
From serving as a greeter at the front doors of the church, to serving as a reading buddy with Waco ISD children, to spreading the word of Jesus in prisons, First Methodist Waco has hundreds of opportunities to serve the church, the Waco community, and the world. Let us help you find the perfect place to plug in and serve.

More Volunteer Opportunities

Children's Ministry: We need YOU! There are opportunities for Sunday Mornings, Wednesday evenings, and other Special Events at all campuses. Click HERE to sign up.

Congregational Care Ministry: Want to help with ministries dealing with Congregational Care? Sign up HERE.   Someone will be in touch with you for an application and/or more details.

Please contact Sara Holmes to serve as:

  • Ushers
  • Greeters
  • Coffee Servers
  • Communion Servers
  • Sanctuary Care

Receptionist/Office: please contact Janet Stephens.

Book Club with Waco ISD: please contact Elaine Embry-Mullins.

For all other volunteer possibilities, please contact Sara Holmes.

Meals on Wheels

For decades, First Methodist Waco has been a Meals on Wheels kitchen and distribution site for Waco. Our volunteers share more than a meal - prayers, encouragement, and Godly inspiration is shared at every visit! 

To volunteer in the Meals on Wheels outreach, please contact Cari Jones.

Looking for a meaningful gift to Honor or Memorialize a loved one?

Sponsor the altar flowers, a day of Meals on Wheels (45-50 meals), or an anthem to be sung on a Sunday morning. What a kind birthday or anniversary present, thank you, encouragement, or sympathy. 

Meals on Wheels Sponsors
First Methodist’s Meals on Wheels Ministry feeds 45-50 homebound people three times per week. That is approximately 150 meals a week! These meals are sponsored by the generosity of people in our church. We need more sponsors! To sponsor a day ($125 for 45-50 meals), please contact Sara Holmes, 254.744.9286 or Sara@firstwaco.com