Support First

You Can Make a Difference

Your spiritual gifts and abilities help keep us going. We provide many opportunities for our church members to serve and get involved. We believe that God equips individuals with unique spiritual gifts so we encourage that commitments to support the ministry of FUMC Waco be made with careful consideration and prayer. God wants to partner with us in the work that we do. By involving him in our decisions, we ensure that His will is done instead of our own.


At FUMC Waco, we believe that supporting the church means more than just volunteering and service. God calls us to give our tithes and offerings to the local church in order to build his kingdom.

Support FUMC


Church events and activities don’t run on their own. We can’t do God’s work without the help of volunteers. We need volunteers for ministries and events such as Vacation Bible School, Children’s Choir, greeting before services, handbells, and much more. Serving the church is also a great way to meet people in our FUMC Waco community!

See Volunteer Opportunities