FASTING: Each Wednesday we will join together in a fast. Fasting is an important spiritual discipline closely connected to prayer that was commended to us by Jesus. A simple way to begin fasting is to observe a 23-hour fast by eating breakfast on Wednesday morning and then making Thursday morning breakfast your next meal. In between, be sure to drink lots of water. Over mealtimes and moments when hunger makes itself known, offer the sacrifice to the Lord. Take that time to pray, read a scripture, and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Fasting reminds us of the Lord's words, "man does not live by bread alone, but the very word of God."

ALARM PRAYER: We are asking everyone in the church to set a daily alarm on their phone for 11:57am. When it goes off, pray for our church, our leaders, and our mission. This can be an extended time of prayer or a few simple sentences. Church: pray for the people, our gatherings, the sick, the grieving, etc. Leaders: pray for lay leaders, teachers, pastors, staff, volunteers, etc. Mission: to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.)

24-HOUR PRAYER CHAPEL: The small white chapel on our South Campus (2807 Robinson Dr.) will be open 24 hours a day for prayer all 31 days of March.

HOME, WORK, & SCHOOL BLESSINGS: Throughout March you can schedule a ministry leader to come pray a blessing at your home (and family), work (and coworkers), or school (and classmates). To schedule a time, click HERE.

WEEK OF SELAH: The word "selah" appears frequently in the book of Psalms. It is best understood to mean a pause in the text. When we encounter selah we pause and breath and will then be ready for what comes next. The first week of March is set aside for Selah. Pause, breath, and repeat: "Speak Lord, your church is listening."

COLLEGE NIGHTS OF PRAYER: On Tuesdays, March 12, 19, & 26 at 7:00pm college students will meet at our college campus for nights of dinner, prayer, and worship.

BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS: Sunday, March 10 between 3-5pm (come and go) on our South Campus, ministry leaders will be on hand to offer a blessing on your pets.

MEN/DADS NIGHT OF PRAYER: Wednesday, March 13 at 6:00pm, men are invited to a prayer gathering in the sanctuary of our Main Campus. We will learn to pray for our wives, children, and be spiritual anchors for our church family.

GRANDPARENTS AFTERNOON OF PRAYER: Thursday, March 14 at 1:00pm grandparents/senior adults are invited to pray for the generations of the families. Together we will draw out our family trees, post them around the room, and take time to pray over all the generations of First Methodist's extended families.

LIVE PRAYER VIA ZOOM: Monday, March 18 between 10:00am - 2:00pm (come and go) a ministry leader will be available by zoom to pray with you, for you, and to receive your prayer requests. To join the Zoom Live Prayer, click HERE.

WOMEN/MOMS NIGHT OF PRAYER: Wednesday, March 20 at 6:00pm women are invited to a prayer gathering in the sanctuary of our Main Campus. We will learn to pray travailing (enduring) prayers for our households, our husbands, our children, their (future/current) spouses, and our church family.

JERICHO WALKS: Monday, March 25, between 9:00am-6:00pm (come and go) prayer walk at Main and/or Downtown Campus. At each campus, prayer hosts will be present to give you directions and answer questions. Jericho walks involve walking around the outside of the building praying for the church and through the hallways praying for her ministries. Come anytime during this day and spend as much time as you like praying!

NIGHT OF HEALING & MIRACLES: Wednesday, March 27 at 6:00pm in the Main Campus sanctuary we will have a night of worship as we seek healing and miracles. If you need healing, a miracle, or you want to pray for someone does, please come.

HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE: Maundy Thursday, March 28 starting at 5:30pm we will host dinner on the lawn at Main Campus and celebrate Holy Communion. Good Friday, March 29 at 6:00pm in the Main Campus Sanctuary we will remember the Lord's passion in worship. On Easter Sunday we will have a Sonrise Service at Indian Springs Park at 7:00am and then Easter worship at each of our normal Sunday times and locations.

Volunteer for March Prayer Month: We would love your help praying and facilitating times of prayer during the month of March!
Sign up to volunteer below and you will be contacted by the staff ministry leader who is coordinating the area of prayer you sign up for!
Click HERE.