“Come let us sing for joy to the Lord. Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song.”
Psalm 95:1-3
At First Methodist, we sing and make music because He loves us. God is at the center of every note we play and sing. We strive for musical excellence, not for selfish gain, but because God is worthy of the best. You belong in our music ministry.
John Tidmore, director of traditional worship, would love to meet you. Please contact John.
The choir is a joy-filled community of people who are faithful to the call that God has given to all of us - to sing His praise!
This non-auditioned group sings a variety of music, from the great hymns of the ages to modern worship that you would hear on the radio.
Rehearsals: Wednesday 6:15-7:15 pm, Cobbs Campus, Chapel
Our commitment is to faithfully lift up songs of praise to God and to encourage His people to do the same.
We believe everyone can sing and everyone should sing. The Bible contains over four hundred references to singing and fifty direct commands to sing. Because singing is meant for everyone, everyone is welcome in the choir. Old and young, male and female, rich and poor, music readers and non-music readers, first-time singers, and seasoned professionals.
If you play an instrument you are invited to be a part of the orchestra at First Methodist. Worship God through music as you play with some of the finest instrumentalists in Waco and Baylor. This group is open to high school age and older and plays twice per month during the 11 am traditional service at the Cobbs Campus.
Rehearsals: Bi-weekly, Wednesday 7:15 - 8:15 pm, Cobbs Campus, Sanctuary