Check out the events and happenings that took place at the Convening General Conference. Join us on the General Conference website or the Global Methodist Church YouTube page. See both links below.
Bishop Nominee Interviews and Town Halls
Use the links below to see two sets of interviews. The first set of interviews with episcopal nominees and potential nominees is conducted by Dianne Burnett, Executive Director of Communications for the Global Methodist Church, and includes recordings of virtual town halls held this week. The second set of interviews with episcopal nominees is hosted by Andy Miller III on his podcast More to the Story,

To learn more about the MidTexas Global Methodist Conference and upcoming events, click HERE.

We are blessed to have three of our Bulgarian ministry partners visiting Mid-Texas congregations September 12-17. You are invited to come hear about how the Gospel of Jesus Christ is being spread across Bulgaria and the difference our partnership is making. Click “Learn More” to see their schedules. You will also find a link below to share the video with your congregations.
Storm the Gates Podcast

Running Full Tilt
In this conversation Shea and Jason talk with Rev. Ryan Barnett about where we've been and where we're going as the Global Methodist Church. Ryan shares some stories about how the Holy Spirit moved through his life and ministry giving him hope that an awakening is coming from the Methodist people. Ryan is the Lead Pastor of First Methodist Church in Waco, TX. Along with the Rev. Dr. Leah Hidde-Gregory, Ryan is a nominee for bishop in addition to being a delegate to General Conference. He is the Chair of the Connectional Council of the Mid-Texas Conference as well.