Maundy Thursday Service | 6:00 pm | Main Campus | 4901 Cobbs Dr.
Maundy Thursday commemorates the Lord’s Last Supper. Our experience of worship will be family-style around tables in the Family Life Center. In the service, we will recall Jesus’s gift of salvation to us, celebrate Holy Communion in an intimate setting, and give thanks for the gift of forgiving love.

Good Friday Service | 6:00 pm | Downtown Campus | 1300 Austin Ave.
Good Friday marks the day of Jesus’s horribly wonderful death on the cross. Your soul will be stirred and moved deeply in the service of worship as we recount in word and song the depth of God’s love for us as he gave his one and only Son that we who believe in him might not perish but have eternal life. Together we reflect on the nature of our sin and the nature of God’s redeeming response to our brokenness.

Easter Sunrise Service | 7:08 am | Indian Spring Park
Easter is the day of Jesus’s resurrection from the dead! Our sunrise service will take place very near where First Methodist began on the banks of the Brazos in 1850. This outdoor service is open to the community to come together and celebrate with Waco’s First Church!

Easter Services | Main 9:30 and 11:00 am | South 9:30 am | Downtown 11:00 am
Easter is the day of Jesus’s resurrection from the dead! Just as he rose from the grave, he also invites all those who would follow him to likewise experience the power of a resurrected life and eternal life to come. Join us at any of our locations to receive healing, hope, forgiveness of sin, and eternal life!